重庆联通 lte 有 ipv6 了。

2018-08-14 14:51:36 +08:00
newbie666  newbie666
重庆联通 lte 有 ipv6 了。

traceroute 2408:84f6:5:1f96:141e:243c:961a:223d
traceroute to 2408:84f6:5:1f96:141e:243c:961a:223d (2408:84f6:5:1f96:141e:243c:961a:223d), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets
1 fca1:b6ba:ee96:f520:7edd::1 (fca1:b6ba:ee96:f520:7edd::1) 290.294 ms 289.999 ms 290.882 ms
2 tunnel490747.tunnel.tserv1.phx2.ipv6.he.net (2001:470:1f18:683::1) 300.830 ms 300.944 ms 301.554 ms
3 * 10ge11-2.core1.phx2.he.net (2001:470:0:2b9::1) 301.668 ms 300.959 ms
4 100ge11-2.core1.lax2.he.net (2001:470:0:362::1) 310.719 ms * 310.465 ms
5 100ge2-2.core1.lax1.he.net (2001:470:0:72::1) 310.366 ms 310.017 ms *
6 * 2600:80a:2::d (2600:80a:2::d) 308.479 ms *
7 2600:80a::13 (2600:80a::13) 308.016 ms 307.574 ms *
8 2600:80a:13f::92 (2600:80a:13f::92) 402.627 ms * 2600:80a:13f::96 (2600:80a:13f::96) 388.906 ms
9 2408:8000:2:70d:: (2408:8000:2:70d::) 557.954 ms 543.192 ms *
10 * * *
11 * * *
12 * 2408:8000:2:685:: (2408:8000:2:685::) 580.341 ms 579.921 ms
13 * * *
14 * * *
15 2408:8001:6666::1:1 (2408:8001:6666::1:1) 580.598 ms 580.520 ms 609.818 ms
16 * 2408:8001:6666::3:11 (2408:8001:6666::3:11) 599.466 ms 606.475 ms
17 2408:8142:c000::3:0 (2408:8142:c000::3:0) 599.014 ms * 591.922 ms
18 2408:8142:c000::3:9 (2408:8142:c000::3:9) 594.327 ms 583.942 ms 624.863 ms
19 2408:8142:c000::3:f (2408:8142:c000::3:f) 619.899 ms 618.630 ms *
20 2408:8142:c000::3:2b (2408:8142:c000::3:2b) 624.089 ms * 604.992 ms
21 2408:84f6:5:1f96:141e:243c:961a:223d (2408:84f6:5:1f96:141e:243c:961a:223d) 641.863 ms 603.890 ms 602.712 ms
4071 次点击
所在节点   宽带症候群  宽带症候群
3 条回复
2018-08-14 17:55:25 +08:00
2018-08-18 09:20:36 +08:00
在什么地方有的?重庆联通在沙坪坝表示并没有 v6 ……
2019-04-18 10:42:34 +08:00
四川绵阳联通 4G 至今没有 ipv6 地址!!!用深圳卡都有!!!四川果然落后地方

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