WASM Hackers 技术周报(2018-08-21)

2018-08-21 07:51:28 +08:00
1. WebAssembly 草案 1.0 发布: https://www.solidot.org/story?sid=57602
2. V8 为 WebAssembly 设计高度优化的 Liftoff 编译器: https://v8project.blogspot.com/2018/08/liftoff.html
3. Ending 定律开始生效: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/klv2lq-VJcHA8WPXDUtNlQ

Ending's law: "Any application that can be compiled to WebAssembly, will be compiled to WebAssembly eventually."

地址 https://github.com/chai2010/awesome-wasm-zh/blob/master/wasm-hackers-weekly.md
编辑 chai2010
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