广州长带有没有可以用于解析外网的 dns

2018-08-30 23:23:26 +08:00
如题,最近在路由器上搭建了 pcap_dnsproxy,用网上流传的 opendns 解析外国网站有时候会很慢,而且访问 https://welcome.opendns.com/oops/有时候都会显示没有使用 opendns
2832 次点击
所在节点    宽带症候群
4 条回复
2018-08-31 00:14:34 +08:00
你说那个页面显示没有使用 OpenDNS 就证明解析本身还是被劫持了啊,不先解决劫持问题,换什么 DNS 也没用。
2018-08-31 09:32:25 +08:00
@Tianao 也就是说,我还要启用 dnscrpty ?
2018-08-31 09:36:54 +08:00
@Tianao 我在 pcap_dnsproxy 的配置文件看到有一个 dnscurve,也是防劫持的,但是我不会用
DNSCurve = 0
DNSCurve Protocol = IPv4 + UDP
DNSCurve Payload Size = 512
DNSCurve Reliable Socket Timeout = 3000
DNSCurve Unreliable Socket Timeout = 2000
DNSCurve Encryption = 1
DNSCurve Encryption Only = 0
DNSCurve Client Ephemeral Key = 0
DNSCurve Key Recheck Time = 1800

[DNSCurve Database]
DNSCurve Database Name = dnscrypt-resolvers.csv
DNSCurve Database IPv4 Main DNS = cisco
DNSCurve Database IPv4 Alternate DNS =
DNSCurve Database IPv6 Main DNS = cisco-ipv6
DNSCurve Database IPv6 Alternate DNS =

[DNSCurve Addresses]
DNSCurve IPv4 Main DNS Address =
DNSCurve IPv4 Alternate DNS Address =
DNSCurve IPv6 Main DNS Address = [2620:0:CCC::2]:443
DNSCurve IPv6 Alternate DNS Address =
DNSCurve IPv4 Main Provider Name = 2.dnscrypt-cert.opendns.com
DNSCurve IPv4 Alternate Provider Name =
DNSCurve IPv6 Main Provider Name = 2.dnscrypt-cert.opendns.com
DNSCurve IPv6 Alternate Provider Name =

[DNSCurve Keys]
DNSCurve Client Public Key =
DNSCurve Client Secret Key =
DNSCurve IPv4 Main DNS Public Key = B735:1140:206F:225D:3E2B:D822:D7FD:691E:A1C3:3CC8:D666:8D0C:BE04:BFAB:CA43:FB79
DNSCurve IPv4 Alternate DNS Public Key =
DNSCurve IPv6 Main DNS Public Key = B735:1140:206F:225D:3E2B:D822:D7FD:691E:A1C3:3CC8:D666:8D0C:BE04:BFAB:CA43:FB79
DNSCurve IPv6 Alternate DNS Public Key =
DNSCurve IPv4 Main DNS Fingerprint =
DNSCurve IPv4 Alternate DNS Fingerprint =
DNSCurve IPv6 Main DNS Fingerprint =
DNSCurve IPv6 Alternate DNS Fingerprint =

[DNSCurve Magic Number]
DNSCurve IPv4 Main Receive Magic Number =
DNSCurve IPv4 Alternate Receive Magic Number =
DNSCurve IPv6 Main Receive Magic Number =
DNSCurve IPv6 Alternate Receive Magic Number =
DNSCurve IPv4 Main DNS Magic Number =
DNSCurve IPv4 Alternate DNS Magic Number =
DNSCurve IPv6 Main DNS Magic Number =
DNSCurve IPv6 Alternate DNS Magic Number =
2018-09-06 10:52:12 +08:00
你用的这个东西从原理上就无法胜任这种场合。你需要的是 github:cachefiles/dnsfix

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