阴谋论表示之前泄露的 Pixel 3 XL 可能是假的?

2018-09-08 01:43:49 +08:00
20015jjw  20015jjw

A crazy conspiracy theory makes the Pixel 3 XL sound exciting for the first time


Apparently, Google has been in touch with other YouTubers, asking them for similar clips. Apparently, Google wants to make some sort of montage of people complaining about the Pixel 3 XL notch.

The same Prosser talked in other clips about how the Pixel 3 XL leaks were faked for Google to hide the actual design of the handset, suggesting the phone might not have a notch like the iPhone X.

大概意思是是 Youtubers 被 Google 联系,问他们要大家喷 Pixel 3 XL 刘海丑的视频,可能想在发布会上做一个大家喷 Pixel 3 XL 刘海的集合,但是没有正常公司会放一个大家喷的视频然后发布一个大家喷的手机,所以目前泄露的手机可能是个假的。这个逻辑我觉得没问题... 但是我也跟这个 Youtuber 一样觉得这个优点不太可能...

总之还是有点期待的 :D 虽然我估计还是会买小号...

还是要感叹一下,自从 Nexus 5 发布,就再也没有让我眼前一亮的手机出现过了,一个都没有。很难受,也很怀念 Nexus 4 和 iPhone 4 的那个时候。

2238 次点击
所在节点   Pixel  Pixel
2 条回复
2018-09-08 09:11:45 +08:00
专门开模做了个手机就为了混淆视听? 感觉太奢侈了吧
2018-09-08 15:11:17 +08:00

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