Goodbye Google App Engine (GAE)

2010-11-22 21:41:03 +08:00
9hills  9hills

Goodbye Google App Engine (GAE)
by Carlos Ble

Choosing GAE as the platform four our project is a mistake which cost I estimate in about 15000€. Considering it's been my money, it is a "bit" painful.

GAE is not exactly comparable to Amazon, Rackspace or any of this hosting services, because it is a PaaS (Platform as a Service) rather than just a cluster of machines. This means that you just use the platform and gain scalability, high availability and all those things we want for our websites, without any other software architecture. Cool, isn't it.
You do not pay until you get a lot of traffic to your site so it sounds very appealing for a small startup. I read about this in a book called "The web success startup guide" by Bob Walsh.
So yes, everything looked cool and we decided to go with this platform a couple of months ago.
It supports Python and Django (without the ORM) which we love so we tried it out. We made a spike, kind of 'hello world' and it was easy and nice to deploy.

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所在节点   Google App Engine  Google App Engine
1 条回复
2010-11-22 22:52:04 +08:00
You should linked the comments from hacker news too.

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