Anyshortcut ( 是楼主业余时间在做的一款小的 SaaS 产品,采用订阅制,原价$9.99 一年。支付集成的就是 Stripe 信用卡支付,但对于国内用户来说门槛太高了,还必须是支持外币的信用卡( Visa、MasterCard 之类)才行。值得庆幸但是 Stripe 支持微信和支付宝支付,所以我先后向 Stripe 申请开通支付宝和微信支付,但给到的答复都是被拒绝,但是具体给的拒绝理由都很含糊。
Why my Wechat Pay activation takes so long?
My product is a small SaaS which billed $9.99 annually, and most of the users are
from China.I have submitted a request to activate Wechat Pay a long long long time ago
(probably 10 months) but got nothing except a pending state.
I know you guys are busy all the day, but Wechat Pay is very important to me as I need to
get revenue from my Chinese users.
Please approve my request ASAP, thanks. :)
Hello there,
This is Alex once more, with many thanks for your patience while our WeChat Pay experts
had a good look at you account.
Since you last wrote in, I've been looking into this to see if I could get a bit more
clarification about why your WeChat Pay application was still pending,
I'm sorry to say that you your account wasn't approved for WeChat Pay at this time.
aren't able to continue using Alipay as I do understand that this could be quite
detrimental to your business. What I was able to find is that this rejection was
in fact a rejection that was made by Stripe on behalf of WeChat Pay
based on their Terms of Service.
For the sake of security, all businesses which deal with the transmission of money are
by necessity pretty secretive about the nature of their programs and policies that are
used to determine risk, and as such, our policies sadly prevent me from
sharing the details of this determination.
That being said, while this rejection didn't come directly from them and
so they won't be able to give you the specific reasoning on why your account
isn't able to use WeChat Pay, their support could provide you with more
information about where potentially on the prohibited business your business may fall.
As such, it could be good for you to reach out to them at this link:
Should you have more questions about this or anything else, please don't hesitate to
let me know; I'd be happy to help.
后面咨询微信好友之后才发现原来是 Anyshortcut 只支持 Google 账号登录,但是 Google 在中国大陆是不能用的,Google 在中国大陆属于敏感内容,支付宝、微信那边直接就拒绝掉了。
所以,如果之后有人想在 Stripe 上开通微信或者支付宝支付的话一定要吸取我的教训,注意不要牵扯到国内这些敏感内容!
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