
2012-10-07 07:55:33 +08:00
- 解决一个能够对很多人有意义的问题。
- 打造一个能够让数百人共同参与的代码库。
- 时刻考虑每一个更改对整个生态系统的意义。这个问题很复杂,有的时候,对自己有用的不一定对别人有用,这也和一开始选择的问题集有关系。
- 不要做破坏生态系统的事。但是在发展过程中,总是不可避免会出现一些无视整个生态系统的人和事。
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2012-10-07 08:10:18 +08:00
So if you're open sourcing a high level app, you'll run into a lot of problems and make little sense to make a new ecosys. Perhaps the most meaningful part in this project is our framework, it's a really low level part that can be reused in a lot of web apps, and possibly the first step to a Python PaaS cloud.

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