气炸了, swagger 突然弹个框什么意思?

2018-10-03 02:33:41 +08:00

访问 swagger 的页面就弹出提示框:Unable to infer base url. This is common when using dynamic servlet registration or when the API is behind an API Gateway. The base url is the root of where all the swagger resources are served. For e.g. if the api is available at http://example.org/api/v2/api-docs then the base url is http://example.org/api/. Please enter the location manually:

这到底是什么怎么回事? 我原本用的是 2.22 版,导入:



后来改为 2.9.2 版后觉得界面接收不了又改回 2.22 版 ,结果 swagger 再次开启就弹出提示框了,无法用了!!!怎么复原回去啊?

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3 条回复
2018-10-03 11:49:54 +08:00
妈的,原来是个 bug,清理浏览器缓存就行了。。。
2018-10-03 12:16:12 +08:00
2018-10-03 13:39:47 +08:00
消消气,之前用遇到蜜汁 bug。提示加载失败啥的,最后发现参数里不能用 boolean😂

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