为了向"大领导"可视化什么是夫妻相,利用 face_recognition 写了个人脸拼接小工具
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 face.py -l left.jpg -r right.jpg -o output.jpg
python3 face.py -l upside.jpg -r downside.jpg -o output.jpg
详情 python3 face.py -h
usage: face.py [-h] [-l LEFT] [-r RIGHT] [-u UPSIDE] [-d DOWNSIDE] [-o OUTPUT]
face cut & concat tool
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l LEFT, --left LEFT face on the left
-r RIGHT, --right RIGHT
face on the right
-u UPSIDE, --upside UPSIDE
face on the upside
-d DOWNSIDE, --downside DOWNSIDE
face on the downside
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
save concat image
MIT @ github/wangshub
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