[新加坡] 阿里巴巴 Lazada 核心数据团队招资深 Java 开发工程师, Java 开发专家

2018-10-30 18:17:28 +08:00

作为阿里全球化战略的最前线,Lazada 目前是东南亚排名第一的电商平台,业务遍及新加坡,马来西亚,泰国,印尼,越南,菲律宾。

Lazada 数据中台团队急招资深 /专家级别的 Java 后端,base 在新加坡,提供办理工签和移民的支持。负责在阿里现有的基础架构上新团队后端框架的搭建及业务项目的开发,工作自由度很高挑战也很大,感兴趣的朋友欢迎投递简历。

简历投递地址: alan.wei@lazada.com

Team Introduction

Lazada is the number one online shopping & selling destination in Southeast Asia – present in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Lazada helps more than 80,000 local and international sellers as well as 2,500 brands serve the 560 million consumers in the region through its marketplace platform, supported by a wide range of tailored marketing, data, and service solutions. Lazada offers an excellent customer experience through a wide network of logistics partners and its own first- and last-mile delivery arm.

Job Description


  1. BS/MS degree in Computer Science, Engineering or a related subject.

  2. Good communication in Mandarin and English are plus as the role requires working with international teams.

  3. Proven hands-on Software Development experience.

  4. Proven working experience in Java development.

  5. Hands on experience in designing and developing applications using Java EE platforms.

  6. Object Oriented analysis and design using common design patterns.

  7. Profound insight of Java and JEE internals (Class loading, Memory Management, Transaction management etc.)

  8. Excellent knowledge of Relational Databases, SQL and ORM technologies (JPA2, Hibernate).

  9. Experience in the Spring Framework • Experience in developing web applications using at least one popular web framework (JSF, Wicket, GWT, Spring MVC).

2492 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
7 条回复
2018-10-31 23:07:31 +08:00
2018-10-31 23:07:47 +08:00
挺看好 lazada 的。。。
2018-10-31 23:55:16 +08:00
@soroslee 也有的,你的意向岗位是?
2018-11-01 09:49:18 +08:00
@alanwei 数据产品 /数据分析 /数据运营
2018-11-01 11:54:39 +08:00
@soroslee 也可以投一份简历给我,我们也在招
BI 和数据产品经理。
2018-11-01 12:13:19 +08:00
@alanwei 发过去了,请查收。
2018-11-02 14:37:56 +08:00
看见 GWT 这个就一阵胆寒

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