findbugs 找出来的 bug,网上找不到解决办法,求大佬看看

2018-10-31 16:49:12 +08:00

此代码使用不受信任的 HTTP 参数构造一个 HTTP Cookie

HTTP cookie formed from untrusted input
This code constructs an HTTP Cookie using an untrusted HTTP parameter. If this cookie is added to an HTTP response, it will allow a HTTP response splitting vulnerability. See for more information. FindBugs looks only for the most blatant, obvious cases of HTTP response splitting. If FindBugs found any, you almost certainly have more vulnerabilities that FindBugs doesn't report. If you are concerned about HTTP response splitting, you should seriously consider using a commercial static analysis or pen-testing tool. Bug kind and pattern: HRS - HRS_REQUEST_PARAMETER_TO_COOKIE

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2 条回复
2018-10-31 17:08:14 +08:00
2018-10-31 17:36:52 +08:00
@whileFalse 这个网址打开是乱码呢?

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