mac mini i-5 还是 i-7???

2018-10-31 20:15:32 +08:00

内存是可以扩展的,所以直接 8g 就行了

硬盘 512。但是那个 cpu 真是纠结啊。。。请问各位有什么建议么?

在家里给自己当生产工具,有必要买 i-7 么? 100 多刀的区别

[捂脸] 虽然厂里给的是一个 i-7 的 hp。。。

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2018-10-31 20:54:34 +08:00
看到用来做什么了,建模之类的肯定越强越好。写文本、跑跑网页,i3 就够了。
2018-10-31 20:59:09 +08:00
好像 内存是不能自己扩展的。
2018-10-31 22:17:25 +08:00
@a554340466 应该是可以的

Apple says that the new Mac mini uses 2666MHZ DDR4 SO-DIMM RAM. Specifically, it looks like DDR-4 PC4-21300, non-ECC unbuffered RAM. On today, a 16GB kit is $146, with a 32GB kit at $292. RAM is a commodity, and pricing can vary greatly day-to-day, so if you've found this post a long time after the October 30 reveal, the prices may be higher or lower.

This is not additive. You'll have to pull out the RAM you bought with the machine. Keep it handy, though. If you need warranty repair, you'll have to put it back in before Apple will look at it.
2018-11-01 17:59:04 +08:00
MD387 / MD388 了解下~

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