[北京/上海] [Cubewise] 招前端开发一名,可以 home office, 10-15%的 travel 在 APAC

2018-11-01 10:29:43 +08:00

Cubewise 是一家专业的咨询公司,致力于专业的业务规划、设计实现、报告和应用分析。 我们掌握着独特的技术及相关的最佳实践,从而有效利用了 BI Cognos TM1/Planning Analytics 平台的灵活强大的特性为客户提供最优的绩效管理解决方案。这使我们特色鲜明,在业内独树一帜。我们会带着专业的眼光,立足于业务来解决技术问题。 凯渤维思团队总部设在悉尼,并在世界各地设有 14 个分支机构(墨尔本,布里斯班,新加坡,香港,上海,北京,台北,东京,伦敦,布鲁塞尔,苏黎世,巴黎,波士顿 和海德拉巴等),已在全球范围内为许多大型企业集团实施了超过 500 多个大规模、高难度的基于 BI Planning Analytics/TM1 技术的商业智能业务管理分析项目。 我们的目标是为我们的客户提供量身定制的 BI Planning Analytics 方案,来帮助企业实现精准决策以应对快速变化的商业环境及相关的挑战。 更多信息可访问 http://www.cubewise.com

公司标准福利:基本薪资+项目奖金+10-15%年终奖金,标准五险一金(附加商业医保),11 天带薪年假 14 天带薪病假,出差津贴 400 一天,公司负责住宿和交通,海外出差及培训。


Web Developer-Front-end/UX Responsibilities: • Writing efficient code, follow standard practice of HTML/JS/CSS practices • Creating webpage/website/web application using all modern web technologies • Working closely with web designers to produce the best user experience of front-end UI/Template/Dashboard on project basis • Working closely with back-end BI consultant/Developer to handle multidimensional data set from OLAP DB • Front-end architect design, e.g. page structure, navigation, JS, JS services, CSS • Source code control of HTML, JavaScript, CSS, managing the development and deployment cycle • Maintain, support and enhance the existing Web Applications (Front-end components)

Requirements: • At least 3+ years front-end/UX solid development experience • Proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript • Familiar and hands-on experience on using Angular JS, Bootstrap, UI-Bootstrap, D3/nvD3 Charting, jQuery, Sheet JS • Be able to design and develop front-end architect with self-created directives and JS services
• Experience in using GitHub or similar source control tool and familiar with front-end web development and deployment cycle management • Experience with various web services (Tomcat etc.), browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc) and mobile platform (Android, iOS etc.), as well as performance and page optimization on each client • Hands-on experience in mobile devices and social media • Ideal candidates would also have experience in back-end web development, or working with Database and OLAP/BI engine • Self-motivated team player able to work well with pan Asian and international teams • Strong sense of responsibility and eagerness to learn • Willingness to pitch in as needed whether in Development or Systems Administration

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2018-11-01 19:58:51 +08:00
2018-11-02 19:16:19 +08:00

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