背景: 坐标墙外,套路云账号是公司持有的,主要做 CRM 系统这一块,无机场,无擦边球,纯粹为了优化大陆地区访问速度就放了一些静态资源,可能一个月流量加起来都不超过 10G 吧。正常使用套路云大概有快 2 年的时间了,整个公司账号就一个 HK 实例,且一开始使用就做了符合国情的“实名认证”,认证主体为海外的公司。
We have detected a security risk with the credit card you are using to make purchases in your Alibaba Cloud account. In order to protect your account, please provide your account identification (ID) information together with the following information within one working day of receiving this notice. Please send the required information from your registered Alibaba Cloud email account to compliance_support@aliyun.com for further investigation.
You must provide clear copies of the following documents:
1 / Any ONE of the following forms of government-issued photo ID of the credit card holder or payment account holder for this Alibaba Cloud account:
(i) National Identification Card (ii) Passport (iii) Driver's License
2 / A copy of the front side of the credit card used for this Alibaba Cloud Account
3 / A copy of the bank billing statement for this credit card.
你就算要求我拿着海外护照视频通话手势比 91 我也认了。
但是,bank statement 是什么鬼??
完全不能理解套路云在想什么,顺路求好用的 CN2 线路机房,纯建站。
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