pimin “法币贬值和比特币升值没有任何关联性。”
法币贬值,人们就会寻求其他东西来 functions as store of value。
“这一年法币在长周期跨度上”一般而言,How long is the long term?
During the long term, all factors are variable. In finance or financial operations of borrowing and investing, what is considered long-term is usually above 3 years, with medium-term usually between 1 and 3 years and short-term usually under 1 year.
5 年来,你说割了几轮,价格翻了几倍?不要把自己的投资失败归咎于有无形的大庄控制,而是多看几本书。BTW,我在准备 CFA,看过微观。