Configura recruitment - R&D developer

2018-12-06 14:31:31 +08:00
vickyConfigura  vickyConfigura
Develop and maintain software modules for core application
Develop and maintains a portfolio of internal utility extensions
Work with support/QA team to analyze and resolved efects.
Collaborate with teams from Europe, North America and Asia.
Contribute towards continuous improvement in both code and processes.

Good knowledge and experience in C++, C#, Java or any other object-oriented language
Good Grasp of object-oriented concepts and experience in using them to build applications
Good written and verbal English communication skills.
Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills.
Must be a self-starter who can work independently on diverse problems
Ability to quickly gather requirements, explore multiple approaches and suggest solutions.

Beneficial but not required:
Experience in agile development process such as SCRUM or Kanban
Experience with structuring code for larger projects
Database usage experience (SQL)
1235 次点击
所在节点   酷工作  酷工作
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