搬瓦工没有 19.9 刀一年的VPS了全是 29 刀以上的了。

2018-12-07 18:52:46 +08:00
2018 Black Friday Special V3 CN2
SSD: 20 GB RAID-10
RAM: 512 MB
CPU: 1x Intel Xeon
Transfer: 1 TB/mo
Link speed: 1 Gigabit

Location: Los Angeles, direct route via CN2 and China Unicom
Location can be changed via KiwiVM

VPS technology: KVM/KiwiVM
OS: 32 or 64 bit Centos, Debian, Ubuntu
Instant OS reload
IPv4: 1 dedicated address
IPv6 support: **No**
Full root access
Instant RDNS update from control panel
Automatic migration between datacenters
No contract, anytime cancellation
Strictly self-managed, no support
99.9% uptime guarantee

$27.60 USD Annually
659 次点击
所在节点    VPS
2 条回复
2018-12-08 13:07:22 +08:00
上次谁知道搬瓦工来这么一出,后悔没买双 11 方案。最终因为用了 4 年搬瓦工,对硬盘容量有要求比较了一下还是搬瓦工实惠。最后又买了一个 2018 Black Friday Special V3 CN2。至于 CN2 就算了,反正普通的 CN2 感觉也不怎么样,高价的 GIA 线路也不知道是什么。在 mtk7620 用 softether 跑个 1MB/s 每秒没任何问题.
Current location of this VPS: US: Fremont, California [USCA_FMT]

Select new location:

US: Los Angeles, California (DC2 QNET) [USCA_2]
US: Los Angeles, California (DC3 CN2) [USCA_3] – Premium bandwidth multiplier: 0.33x
US: Los Angeles, California (DC4 MCOM) [USCA_4]
US: Los Angeles, California (DC8 CN2) [USCA_8] – Premium bandwidth multiplier: 0.33x
US: Fremont, California [USCA_FMT] (current)
US: New Jersey [USNJ]
US: New York [USNY_2]
CA: British Columbia, Vancouver [CABC_1]
EU: Amsterdam, Netherlands [EUNL_3]

以前 OVZ 凤凰城也不错,可惜明年 9 月份也到期了。
Physical Location: US, Arizona
2018-12-08 13:08:35 +08:00
错了,买的是 40GB 的方案
2018 Cyber Monday Special V3
SSD: 40 GB RAID-10
RAM: 1024 MB
CPU: 2x Intel Xeon
Transfer: 1000 GB/mo
Link speed: 1 Gigabit

VPS technology: KVM/KiwiVM
OS: 32 or 64 bit Centos, Debian, Ubuntu
Instant OS reload
IPv4: 1 dedicated address
IPv6 support: **No**
Full root access
Instant RDNS update from control panel
Automatic migration between datacenters
No contract, anytime cancellation
Strictly self-managed, no support
99.9% uptime guarantee

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