[wecash 闪银] [海外事业部] 招 [TPM]

2018-12-14 16:51:22 +08:00
闪银成立于 2014 年,是中国第一家基于机器学习技术的大数据信用评估 Fintech,也是亚洲唯一一家连续 3 年获得全球 Fintech 50 强的企业. 运用金融+大数据+互联网,3 分钟内为客户评估信用额度,帮助众多的信用白丁用户获得贷款。成立 3 年来,闪银已经拥有超过 7200 万注册客户。2016 年总放贷记录 500 万个,交易总额达 50 亿人民币。闪银用技术连接了用户,场景和放贷机构,改变了用户的消费习惯,重构了消费信贷。2016 年,闪银开始拓展海外市场,在多个国家包括美国,巴西,新加坡和印尼建立了分支机构,帮助更多的非传统银行客户获得了信用贷款。

也许您一直想经历在创业公司从 0 到 1 的完整历程,却又犹豫潜在风险,现在机会就在您眼前:闪银新加坡公司北京研发团队寻找优秀全栈工程师。加入这个团队,您将会全程参与闪银东南亚项目,除了完成海外系统的架构设计,充分融入市场,做出符合当地人品味的应用外,您能够在获得北京本部的充分支持下,全程经历海外公司从 0 到 1 大放光芒的整个历程。闪银东南亚具有多元文化,同事来自于中国和东南亚各国,工作语言为英语,您将会在纯正的英语环境里工作,可以任性的练习英语口语,写作,拓宽视野,从此看美剧不需字幕,海外旅行不怕迷路!

我们有来自于亚马逊,微软,EMC, Oracle, BAT 的资深工程师,有来自小公司的多次创业人员,也有刚出校门的 PHD,您可以分享经验,交流梦想;在这里,既可以拥有跨国公司多文化的沟通环境,海外市场的历练,也可以拥有创业公司的激情和创造自由度,舞台就在这儿,只由您尽情发挥,施展才华,尽情拥抱一切可能!

我们的服务建立在 AWS 上,在这里您可以接触到 AWS 上的 50%以上的服务,包括但不限于,VPC, EC2, S3, Hadoop, Spark, Redshift, ELB, RDS, zookeeper. 我们鼓励使用能够带来效益提升的新技术,如果你是个对技术充满热情的工程师,欢迎加入我们,一起遨游技术海洋。
感兴趣的同学可以发简历到: dongpei@wecash.net

公司地点:北京市朝阳区东三环,紧邻地铁 10 号线团结湖站

To reinvent an industry, you need to build an all-star team. Join Wecash if you want to leverage upon the power of big data and machine learning to develop and promote products that can provide businesses with better credit profiles of customers and underwrite loans between funding sources and consumers.

Founded in 2014, we are the first Chinese startup using big data and machine learning to evaluate consumer credit and detect fraud. Our company has raised more than US$200 million in financing over 4 rounds, acquired over 130 million users and have underwritten over Billions of USD loans to transform the lifestyle and credit worthiness of individuals over the past 4 years.

Wecash is looking for a stellar technologist to drive our expansion in South Asia. If you can understand complex technology, navigate the fintech industry and thrive under ambiguous objectives, join us as our Senior Technical Program Manager for Southeast Asia, and help us grow.

Please kindly drop an email into: dongpei@wecash.net

The Sr. Technical Program Manager will:

· Interface with a diverse customer base to understand requirements, priorities, and processes.

· Propose and implement new projects or recommend system improvements.

· Help develop long-term development and business technology strategies.

· Participate in the design, development, implementation, testing and documentation of large-scale, multi-tiered, distributed software applications, tools, systems and services using Java, Object Oriented Design and Distributed Programming.

· Translate functional requirements into robust, scalable, supportable solutions that work well within the overall system architecture.

· Participate in the full development cycle, end-to-end, from design, implementation, and testing to documentation, delivery and maintenance.

· Evaluate and make decisions around the use of new or existing software products and tools.

Basic Qualifications

· 5+ years prior Technical Project Management Experience

· 5+ years prior Software Development Experience

· Fluent in English, excellent written and oral communication skills

· Able to anticipate, proactively manage the risks and escalate appropriately.

· Must have excellent product and project management skills and demonstrated technical aptitude

Preferred Qualifications

· Computer Science, Engineering, Math Degree

· Prior Software Development Management experience

· Experience with distributed SOA systems

· Proficient in Mandarin Chinese
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