pragma solidity ^0.4.23;
contract Preservation {
// public library contracts
address public timeZone1Library;
address public timeZone2Library;
address public owner;
uint storedTime;
// Sets the function signature for delegatecall
bytes4 constant setTimeSignature = bytes4(keccak256("setTime(uint256)"));
event FLAG(string b64email, string slogan);
constructor(address _timeZone1LibraryAddress, address _timeZone2LibraryAddress) public {
timeZone1Library = _timeZone1LibraryAddress;
timeZone2Library = _timeZone2LibraryAddress;
owner = msg.sender;
// set the time for timezone 1
function setFirstTime(uint _timeStamp) public {
timeZone1Library.delegatecall(setTimeSignature, _timeStamp);
// set the time for timezone 2
function setSecondTime(uint _timeStamp) public {
timeZone2Library.delegatecall(setTimeSignature, _timeStamp);
function CaptureTheFlag(string b64email) public{
require (owner == msg.sender);
emit FLAG(b64email, "Congratulations to capture the flag!");
// Simple library contract to set the time
contract LibraryContract {
// stores a timestamp
uint storedTime;
function setTime(uint _time) public {
storedTime = _time;
这是区块链安全想关的,想请教一下这段合约代码放在 Remix 上编译运行后调用CaptureTheFlag
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