如何能够彻底重置nexus 7到出厂状态

2012-11-06 16:25:04 +08:00
刚才¥1,100收了个二手的8G N7,我在系统设置里面恢复了出厂设置开机后,发现还是居然有百度输入法、Nova启动器、Root Explorer、库牛手机这四个非出厂即有安装的app,貌似已被root了且重置root还保留?...能够彻底重置nexus 7到出厂状态吗?
11940 次点击
所在节点    Android
5 条回复
2012-11-06 16:29:13 +08:00
1. Turn off the device if it is turned on, and connect it via USB cable to your computer
2. Press and hold the Volume Up, Volume Down, and the Power Button at the same time for about three to four seconds to turn the device on, if done correctly you’ll see an Android lying on its back (this may prompt a driver installation on your computer, so let that driver install before you proceed if so)
3. Use the volume buttons to navigate to the Recovery Mode option, and press the Power Button to confirm your choice
4. The device will restart, and after a few minutes the device should boot to a screen showing an Android with a red triangle, press and hold the Power Button and Volume Up on this screen
5. If you’re trying to wipe the device for a Hard Reset, then use the volume buttons to navigate to Wipe Data / Factory Reset and press the Power Button to confirm your choice
6. Use the volume buttons to navigate to Yes and press the Power Button to confirm your choice
2012-11-06 16:30:50 +08:00
第四条注意 press and hold the Power Button and Volume Up on this screen 一世按住电源键,点击下音量上键,不是hold,hold是电源键
2012-11-06 16:46:15 +08:00
@GreatHan 完成了第2步,看到了android lying on its back,还有一个大大的Start按钮

但是无法进行第3步呀,volume button按了没有反应,不能navigate
2012-11-06 17:30:29 +08:00
@GreatHan 好象是我win7 64bit ADB驱动的问题,换了台xp电脑就好了
2012-11-06 21:21:48 +08:00
那你的 Recovery 会不会也被。。

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