@winterbells > Due to multiple faults on the company's end, all StartCom certificates were removed from Mozilla Firefox in October 2016 and Google Chrome in March 2017 > Despite attempts to distance itself from the controversy, on November 16, 2017, StartCom announced termination of business, and on January 1, 2018, stopped serving new certificates, effectively closing the company. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/StartCom
2018-12-19 10:13:35 +08:00
棱镜门的 Google 在自己的浏览器上自己签发根证书 vs 流氓大厂 360 在自己的浏览器上签发自己的根证书
只看到部分人崇洋媚外,说外国东西好的请先补习下 PKI 的知识,不管是 Google 还是 360 做自己的根证书,其目的都是利用自己浏览器占有的市场份额,来控制 CA 签发的证书是否在自己的浏览器受信任,最终用户为了自己网站不被浏览器告警,只能选择浏览器厂商指定的 CA 购买证书,中间说白了还是利益关系。