//加载场景代码 var app = new THING.App({ // 场景地址 "url": "http://www.thingjs.com/./uploads/wechat/oLX7p05lsWJZUIxnIWsNXAzJ40X8/scene/管线演示 2", //背景设置 "skyBox": "BlueSky" });
app.on('load', function () { //摄像机位置初始化 app.camera.position = [0.4374202706634094, 101.92917348318593, 97.06808820543526]; app.camera.target = [52.75056074670042, -18.885239034825123, -20.619558480451797]; new THING.widget.Button('水管演示', water); new THING.widget.Button('电线演示', electric); new THING.widget.Button('燃气演示', gas); });function water() { } function electric() { } function gas() { }
var line = null; function buildLine(points, color) { line = app.create({ type: 'PolygonLine', points: points, style: { color: color, } }); line.scrollUV = true; }function water() { var waterUnderPoints = []; buildingOpacity(0.3); app.query(/building_0/).forEach( function (parentObj) { var points = []; points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([5, -0.8, 0])); waterUnderPoints.push(points[0]); for (var i = 3; i <= 24; i += 3) { points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([5, i, 0])); points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([5, i, 3])); points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([-5, i, 3])); points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([-5, i, -3])); points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([5, i, -3])); points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([5, i, 0])); } points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([5, 24, 0])); buildLine(points, '#0000FF'); } ); waterUnderPoints.push([15.32711, -0.79, -55.655339999999999]); buildLine(waterUnderPoints, '#0000FF'); //renderOrder(); }
function buildingOpacity(num) { app.query("*").forEach(function (obj) { obj.style.opacity = num; }); }
function renderOrder(){ app.query('.PolygonLine').forEach( function (obj) { obj.renderOrder = -10000; } ); }
function electric() { var electricUnderPoints = []; buildingOpacity(0.3); app.query(/building_0/).forEach( function (parentObj) { var points = []; points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([3, -0.8, 0])); electricUnderPoints.push(points[0]); for (var i = 3; i <= 24; i += 2.5) { points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([3, i, 0])); points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([-3, i, 2])); } points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([3, 24, 0])); buildLine(points, '#00FF00'); console.log(points); } ); electricUnderPoints.push([16.690666, -0.79, -55.115203999999999]); buildLine(electricUnderPoints, '#00FF00'); renderOrder(); }function gas() { var gasUnderPoints = []; buildingOpacity(0.3); app.query(/building_0/).forEach( function (parentObj) { var points = []; points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([-6.2, -0.3, 0])); gasUnderPoints.unshift(points[0]); for (var i = 3; i <= 24; i += 3) { points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([-6.2, i, 0])); points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([-6.2, i, 2])); points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([6.2, i, 2])); points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([6.2, i, -2])); points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([-6.2, i, -2])); points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([-6.2, i, 0])); } points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([-6.2, 24, 0])); buildLine(points, '#FF0000'); console.log(points); } ); gasUnderPoints.unshift([22.963023600000003, -0.3, 57.8305784]); buildLine(gasUnderPoints, '#FF0000'); renderOrder(); }
//加载场景代码 var app = new THING.App({ // 场景地址 "url": "http://www.thingjs.com/./uploads/wechat/oLX7p05lsWJZUIxnIWsNXAzJ40X8/scene/管线演示 2", //背景设置 "skyBox": "BlueSky" });app.on('load', function () { //摄像机位置初始化 app.camera.position = [0.4374202706634094, 101.92917348318593, 97.06808820543526]; app.camera.target = [52.75056074670042, -18.885239034825123, -20.619558480451797];
new THING.widget.Button('水管演示', water); new THING.widget.Button('电线演示', electric); new THING.widget.Button('燃气演示', gas);
function water() { var waterUnderPoints = []; buildingOpacity(0.3); app.query(/building_0/).forEach( function (parentObj) { var points = []; points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([5, -0.8, 0])); waterUnderPoints.push(points[0]); for (var i = 3; i <= 24; i += 3) { points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([5, i, 0])); points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([5, i, 3])); points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([-5, i, 3])); points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([-5, i, -3])); points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([5, i, -3])); points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([5, i, 0])); } points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([5, 24, 0])); buildLine(points, '#0000FF'); } ); waterUnderPoints.push([15.32711, -0.79, -55.655339999999999]); buildLine(waterUnderPoints, '#0000FF'); renderOrder(); }
function electric() { var electricUnderPoints = []; buildingOpacity(0.3); app.query(/building_0/).forEach( function (parentObj) { var points = []; points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([3, -0.8, 0])); electricUnderPoints.push(points[0]); for (var i = 3; i <= 24; i += 2.5) { points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([3, i, 0])); points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([-3, i, 2])); } points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([3, 24, 0])); buildLine(points, '#00FF00'); console.log(points); } ); electricUnderPoints.push([16.690666, -0.79, -55.115203999999999]); buildLine(electricUnderPoints, '#00FF00'); renderOrder(); }
function gas() { var gasUnderPoints = []; buildingOpacity(0.3); app.query(/building_0/).forEach( function (parentObj) { var points = []; points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([-6.2, -0.3, 0])); gasUnderPoints.unshift(points[0]); for (var i = 3; i <= 24; i += 3) { points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([-6.2, i, 0])); points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([-6.2, i, 2])); points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([6.2, i, 2])); points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([6.2, i, -2])); points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([-6.2, i, -2])); points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([-6.2, i, 0])); } points.push(parentObj.selfToWorld([-6.2, 24, 0])); buildLine(points, '#FF0000'); console.log(points); } ); gasUnderPoints.unshift([22.963023600000003, -0.3, 57.8305784]); buildLine(gasUnderPoints, '#FF0000'); renderOrder(); }
function buildingOpacity(num) { app.query("*").forEach(function (obj) { obj.style.opacity = num; }); }
function renderOrder(){ app.query('.PolygonLine').forEach( function (obj) { obj.renderOrder = -10000; } ); }
var line = null; function buildLine(points, color) { line = app.create({ type: 'PolygonLine', points: points, style: { color: color, } }); line.scrollUV = true; }
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