终于搞定了群晖里的照片自动上传到 Google photos,也给大家分享一下。
本 docker 实现的功能:
docker pull muyouming/gphotosuploader
get google cookie by using chrome extension by refer to here.
run docker in privillage mode, and set the photo folder to /photo.
input the cookie string in docker env COOKIES
if proxy needed ,please change the docker enviroments SOCKS5_PROXY to your proxy, if no proxy needed ,pease delete the enviroments http_proxy and https_proxy.
run ,and this uploader will monitor all changes in your /photo folder, and upload to your google photo storage. if you see "Watching " in log ,it means everything works right.
if this folder is new and you needto upload all, you can go to the terminal and start a bash ,then execute: gphotosuploader --upload /photo --maxConcurrenct 4 this comamnd will upload all your photos and videos in /photo .
不知道怎么发图,请大家移步 github 去看有图的说明:
目前已经测试 2 天,没发现什么大的 bug。欢迎大家吐槽。
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