新加坡互联网巨头招聘后端开发( Python ), Server 研发,平台(Platform Engineering),数据 data, TechOps / DevOps 等工程师,新加坡技术移民机会,月薪 2.5--5 万人民币

2018-12-28 15:01:05 +08:00
ly1574  ly1574
招聘初级至高级开发工程师,薪资范围(人民币 2.5--5 万)

Software Engineer- Web-Backend

Job Description
> Use Python + Django/Flask to develop backend logic
> Build automation service that works with different hardware within the infrastructure system
> Build reusable code and libraries for future use
> Optimize the application for maximum speed and scalability
> Work with private cloud when needed

Job Requirements
> Bachelor ’ s degree or higher in Computer Science, Engineering or related field
> Experience with at least one backend programming languages (e.g. Python, Ruby, Java, etc.)
> Experience with web development using existing frameworks such as Django
> Good understanding of computer systems, especially in Linux
> Good understanding and command of data structure and algorithms
> Good knowledge of relational database (e.g. MySQL, Postgresql, etc.)
> Familiar with HTTP protocol; familiar with performance tuning of Web Server, massive concurrency handling, and caching mechanisms
> Familiar with the good practices of DevOps in Linux
> Able to deliver clean and maintainable code
> Willing to learn
> Excellent communication and problem-solving skills

Software Engineer - Server

We are a group of software engineers who take coding seriously and understand programming as a science. We are responsible for the design and implementation of the services / systems / platforms with high performance, high availability and high scalability. We constantly dive into the deep layer of the code to identify and solve problems.
Job Description:
Server side design and development of the services / systems / platforms used by our products and our user
Write high-quality, clean, elegant, and maintainable code
Build common libraries
Analyse requirements, design and develop functionalities based on the product requirements
Understand the product thoroughly, constantly optimise the product, identify and fix problems, improve stability and user experience
Design and implement various supporting tools as needed
Collaborate with other software engineers, product managers, user experience designers, and operations engineers to build features and products
Bachelor's or higher degree in Computer Science or related fields
Passionate about coding and programming, innovation, and solving challenging problems
In-depth understanding of computer science fundamentals (data structures and algorithms, operating systems, networks, databases, etc)
Strong and hands-on experience with at least one of the programming languages: Go, Python, C++, Java
Hands-on experiences and knowledge on relational databases such as MySQL
Strong logical thinking abilities
Skills below are optional but preferable:
Familiar with Linux development environments and multi-threaded programming
Familiar with common network protocols (TCP, UDP, HTTP) and network programming
Experience in server security
Experience in design and development of large-scale distributed systems

Software Engineer - Platform Engineering

We are responsible for the design and implementation of the company PaaS platform with high performance, high availability and high scalability. Being open-minded and innovative, we solve challenging problems and provide technical platform to support our fast-growing business.
Job Description:
Design and development of the PaaS platform used by numerous company development teams
Write high-quality, clean, elegant, and maintainable code
Understand the technical platform, constantly optimise the service, identify and fix problems, improve usability, stability and reliability
Design and implement various supporting tools as needed
Bachelor's or higher degree in Computer Science or related fields
Passionate about coding and programming, innovation, and solving challenging problems
In-depth understanding of computer science fundamentals (data structures and algorithms, operating systems, networks, databases, etc)
Strong and hands-on experience with at least one of the programming languages: Go, Python, C++, Java
Familiar with common network protocols (TCP, UDP, HTTP) and network programming
Familiar with Linux development environments and multi-threaded programming
Skills below are optional but preferable:
Experiences in design and development of large-scale distributed systems
Experiences in middleware development, deployment, and operations
Understanding of virtualization or container technology
Knowledge in server security
Contributed to open-source projects

Software Engineer - Data

As a data engineer, you are responsible for the design and implementation of data ETL (Extract, Transform and Load) systems, data visualization platforms / services, and data-driven personalization products. You may work with product teams to build up data products serving upper management, internal staffs and millions of our users. This is a fast-paced position that requires a high degree of energy and focus without compromising precision.
Job Description:
Design and implement real-time data ETL systems, data visualization platforms and reporting services, machine learning / heuristics models to solve personalization problems
Write high-quality, clean, simple, and maintainable code; build common libraries
Analyze requirements, design and develop functionalities
Understand the product thoroughly, constantly optimize the product, identify and fix problems, improve stability and user experience
Design and implement various supporting tools as needed
Collaborate with fellow developers, product managers, user experience designers, and operations engineers to build products
Bachelor's or higher degree in Computer Science or related fields
Passionate about coding and programming, innovation, and solving challenging problems
In-depth understanding of data structures and other computer science fundamentals
Hands-on experience in one of the programming languages including Python, Java, GoLang
Skills below are optional but preferable:
Hands-on experience in distributed data platforms and processing frameworks such as Hadoop, Spark, Map-Reduce
Hands-on experience in Linux development environments and Shell Scripting

Software Engineer - TechOps / DevOps

Technical Operation Engineer is on a mission to manage all aspects of technical operations to ensure all companyservices and platforms are running healthily 24/7 and to provide supreme user experience to our customers. As a part of this team, your tasks include but not limited to setup and maintain monitoring systems, design and build high availability service architecture, manage huge numbers of servers using automation tools and build up operational platforms.
Job Description:
Setup, manage and maintain company product applications and services
Participate in product system design, optimization and capacity planning
Setup and maintain monitoring of technical performance and statistics of company products
Communicate and coordinate with Product Managers, Developers and Infrastructure team
Perform regular and ad-hoc server-side deployments, releases and troubleshooting
Prepare routine operation documentation
Bachelor ’ s or higher degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Information Systems or related fields
Extensive and hands-on knowledge with Linux operating system (Ubuntu, CentOS, etc.)
Knowledge of Computer Network (TCP/IP, DNS, etc.), Computer Organisations and OS
Hands-on experience with at least one of the programming languages: Bash, Python, Lua
Strong analytical and problem-solving skills with the ability to thrive under difficult and stressful situations
Good time management skills to work efficiently
Passion and high sense of responsibility for work
Fast learning ability and a good team player
Detailed-oriented, cautious and prudent
Skills below are optional but preferable:
Experience with automation tools like Ansible
Experience with monitoring tools like Nagios, Zabbix, etc.
Experience with load balancing tools like LVS, Nginx, Openresty or HAProxy
Experience with container technology such as Docker, Kubernetes
Experience with High Availability system design and Server Deployment Process
Experience with DevOps
4952 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
38 条回复
2018-12-28 15:25:18 +08:00
2018-12-28 17:06:13 +08:00
2018-12-28 19:51:55 +08:00
2018-12-28 20:27:29 +08:00
2018-12-28 22:23:34 +08:00
月薪 2.5W 在新加坡单身算够……
2018-12-28 22:36:59 +08:00
2.5W(5000SGD) RMB 在新加坡还要带家庭生活? 5W RMB ( 1W SGD )估计等同于在国内魔都 2.5W 收入的生活水平吧,外国人孩子学费,小学 650SGD 一个月(新加坡人是 1SGD/年,PR 是 150SGD,可想而知新加坡政-=-府对外国人的...),下午 1 点就下课,补课一个月要 SGD400,租房(按 2 室算)要 SGD1500,外国人没有 CPF,要买商业险,超贵,另外,如果配偶不是 WP 或者 EP,你解释下怎么才能工作? work permit 就别说了,都是那种自己勉强能养活自己的工作,房子都租不起那种(超市收银或者其它累死的工作),机会超少……
不过最近几年,新加坡的 PR 超难申请,另外,PR 二代,男孩要强制当兵,而且会被歧视和欺负,且男孩子一定是在当兵后,才会给移民。
2018-12-28 22:54:35 +08:00
@daniellu 老铁,当时在新加坡多少一个月?
2018-12-29 04:54:25 +08:00
2018-12-29 09:49:58 +08:00
2018-12-29 10:23:42 +08:00
我刚毕业去新加坡持 WP 都 1.5w+,2.5w 我觉的可以去呆两年玩玩,其他的就别多想了,钱拿了玩完了就回来吧,这个工资在那 P 都不是,更别提 SP、EP、PR 了。
2018-12-30 12:43:46 +08:00
@gzg55 没多少的,一个人的话,可以过的很嗨了,原来是计划拖家带口去的,后来了解了详细的情况,就回来了。
2018-12-31 11:09:41 +08:00
@daniellu 我不知道您是哪年来新加坡的,现在 EP 的配偶 DP 是可以直接工作的,而且不占用外籍名额,现在 DP 找工作很容易。普通文职(办公室助理等级)薪水都在 2000 新币以上,应该负担孩子学费和菲佣费用都很容易,菲佣(月薪水在 600-700 新币之间)。关于孩子上学的讯息,新加坡是一个高学历比例非常高的国家,一般我们的朋友家的孩子,学习成绩比较好的,都是申请的欧美名校,成绩比较普通的,申请的国大和南大,还没听过哪家孩子没考上大学的。然后新加坡的个税极低。比如年薪 8 万新币(人民币 40 万),税后在不做任何优惠扣除的情况下(有配偶和子女都可以减税)为 76650 新币(约为 38 万 3 千多人民币)
2018-12-31 12:26:53 +08:00
加班相比国内少很多,每年 18 天年假,14 天带薪病假,有孩子的还有 6 天带薪育儿假( 14 岁以下儿童的父母),有比较好的生活质量
2019-01-02 00:48:37 +08:00
2019-01-02 10:55:19 +08:00
@telun 我这明明放出了 5 个岗位。。。。。其它技术岗也都招
2019-01-02 18:17:43 +08:00
新加坡还比不上 菲律宾呢 这边环境好 工作轻松 有点小风险而已; 有兴趣同学看我发得招聘
2019-01-02 18:30:22 +08:00
@davidli888 你也知道有风险啊!有风险你还往外推不是坑人么。。。。人家就来找个工作,安安稳稳生活来。新加坡图的就是生活安逸,社会稳定好不好!
2019-01-02 18:31:03 +08:00
@davidli888 您这 15-18K 人民币薪水的工程师,还要承担风险........不予置评。安全第一,有命赚还得有命花哈
2019-01-02 18:33:38 +08:00
@davidli888 自己发自己的招聘帖相安无事就好了,怎么说来别人的招聘帖子下面抢人,看起来还是有点缺德
2019-01-02 18:35:38 +08:00
@Laystbz 你就搞笑了 要图生活安逸 谁还出来打工啊 自己呆老家 有山有水不是更安逸 ? 做啥工作没有风险呢 ,还有 新加坡真有那么好? 5 万 RMB 工资在新加坡应该只算一个中等水平吧. 但这个工资对菲律宾本地讲就是天价工资了 好吧

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