北京东三环美企聘Windows C++播放器Codec+UI开发工程师

2012-11-15 12:45:15 +08:00
isoft  isoft
东三环美企,多媒体开发(codec+UI),global team。Windows平台为主。
年薪18-23万。联系邮箱 talent@isofttalent.com

-Must have minimum of 2 years of experience in developing multi-threaded
Windows applications using C/C++ with Object Oriented design & programming
-Must have strong problem solving ability, good English verbal and written
communication skills, and a desire to deliver cutting edge technology in a
fast-paced, dynamic environment
-Experience with Windows GUI application development is highly desirable
-Experience with Media Application and DirectShow development is highly
-Experience with Windows Socket network programming is highly desirable
-Experience with HTML5/CSS3/Javascript programming is desirable
-Experience with C#, .NET, XAML, Flash programming is desirable
-Experience with database client development on Windows platforms is
-Experience with MSI-based Windows installer technology is desirable
-Experienced in working in multi-national teams is desirable
-Experience with Agile or other software development processes is desirable
-Experience with Apple OSX GUI application development is a plus
-Experience in integration with Android, iOS, and WP7 mobile apps is a plus
-Knowledge with various audio/video codecs and file formats is a plus
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