刚买了 1 周就这样,VirMach 这么不稳定?按照 SLA,我能获赔 1000 多天的使用时间,我是该高兴还是该哭?有谁经历过么?最终会获赔么?
NYOVZ11 - Unexpected Downtme (Investigating)
Priority - Critical
Affecting System - NYOVZ11
There appears to be potential network or hardware issue with NYOVZ11. We are investigating the problem and will update you with more information.
Update as of 10:40AM PST - we believe we know the cause of the downtime and will likely be posting an update to this status shortly.
Update as of 1:02PM PST - we're still working on getting this back online and accessible for all customers.
Update as of 3:18PM PST - we are still trying our best to get this back online for everybody.
Update as of 7:27PM PST - we are still working to bring all clients online.
Date - 01/11/2019 08:44
Last Updated - 01/11/2019 19:27
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