Meteor 0.5.1 发布

2012-11-21 11:32:55 +08:00
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Here's the highlights in 0.5.1:

Meteor's realtime Mongo driver now allows multiple clients to share the results of identical database queries, dramatically reducing database query load for many applications. More details below.

We wrote a more sophisticated latency compensation algorithm on the client. For a full description of this change, see David's blog post.

On the client, a method's completion callback now runs after the method's mutations are fully in the client database. The previous behavior of running as soon as the server returns the method's result is still available. See

We improved the transition between logged-out and logged-in database states, replaced Meteor.userLoaded with Meteor.loggingIn, and made a few other minor changes to the Accounts APIs.
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2012-11-21 15:28:14 +08:00

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