求助 cs 的课程,先做得像这个样子, 以后还要加上一些小功能改善这个小游戏: https://youtu.be/YQG-PPxig-k 不知道何从下手,求大佬们帮帮忙,目前已有的 code:

2019-01-26 06:28:02 +08:00

public class Battleship extends ConsoleProgram { public void run() { System.out.println("======================"); System.out.println("Welcome to battleship."); System.out.println("======================"); } }

public class Grid { private Location[][] grid;

// Constants for number of rows and columns.
public static final int NUM_ROWS = 10;
public static final int NUM_COLS = 10;
// Create a new Grid. Initialize each Location in the grid
// to be a new Location object.
public Grid()
    grid = new Location[10][10];
    for(int row = 0; row < NUM_ROWS; row++)
        for(int col = 0; col < NUM_COLS; col++)
            grid[row][col] = new Location();

// Mark a hit in this location by calling the markHit method
// on the Location object.  
public void markHit(int row, int col)
}    // Mark a miss on this location.    
public void markMiss(int row, int col)

// Set the status of this location object.
public void setStatus(int row, int col, int status)

// Get the status of this location in the grid  
public int getStatus(int row, int col)
    return grid[row][col].getStatus();

// Return whether or not this Location has already been guessed.
public boolean alreadyGuessed(int row, int col)
    return grid[row][col].isUnguessed() == false;

// Set whether or not there is a ship at this location to the val   
public void setShip(int row, int col, boolean exist)

// Return whether or not there is a ship here   
public boolean hasShip(int row, int col)
    return grid[row][col].hasShip();

// Get the Location object at this row and column position
public Location get(int row, int col)
    return grid[row][col];

// Return the number of rows in the Grid
public int numRows()
    return NUM_ROWS;

// Return the number of columns in the grid
public int numCols()
    return NUM_COLS;
public void printStatus()
    System.out.println("1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10");
    for(int row = 0; row < NUM_ROWS; row++)
        System.out.print((char)(row + 65));
        for(int col = 0; col < NUM_COLS; col++)
                System.out.print(" X");
            else if(grid[row][col].getStatus() == 2)
                System.out.print(" O");
                System.out.print(" -");
        System.out.print(" ");
public void printShips()
    System.out.println("1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10");
    for(int row = 0; row < NUM_ROWS; row++)
        System.out.print((char)(row + 65));
        for(int col = 0; col < NUM_COLS; col++)
            if(grid[row][col].hasShip() == true)
                System.out.print(" X");
                System.out.print(" -");
        System.out.print(" ");


public class Player { private static final int[] SHIP_LENGTHS = {2, 3, 3, 4, 5}; public Grid enemyGrid; public Grid myGrid; private static int c = 0; public Player() { myGrid = new Grid(); enemyGrid = new Grid(); } public void chooseShipLocation(Ship s, int row, int col, int direction) { if(c < 5) { s.setLocation(row, col); s.setDirection(direction); myGrid.addShip(s); c ++; } }

public void printMyShips()
public void printOpponentGuesses()
public void printMyGuesses()
public void recordOpponentGuess(int row,int col)
    if(myGrid.hasShip(row, col))
        myGrid.markHit(row, col);
        myGrid.markMiss(row, col);


import java.util.*;

public class Randomizer{

public static Random theInstance = null;

public Randomizer(){

public static Random getInstance(){
	if(theInstance == null){
		theInstance = new Random();
	return theInstance;

 * Return a random boolean value.
 * @return True or false value simulating a coin flip.
public static boolean nextBoolean(){
	return Randomizer.getInstance().nextBoolean();

 * This method simulates a weighted coin flip which will return
 * true with the probability passed as a parameter.
 * @param	probability	The probability that the method returns true, a value between 0 to 1 inclusive. 
 * @return True or false value simulating a weighted coin flip.
public static boolean nextBoolean(double probability){
	return Randomizer.nextDouble() < probability;

 * This method returns a random integer.
 * @return A random integer.
public static int nextInt(){
	return Randomizer.getInstance().nextInt();

 * This method returns a random integer between 0 and n, exclusive.
 * @param n	The maximum value for the range.
 * @return A random integer between 0 and n, exclusive.
public static int nextInt(int n){
	return Randomizer.getInstance().nextInt(n);

 * Return a number between min and max, inclusive.
 * @param min	The minimum integer value of the range, inclusive.
 * @param max	The maximum integer value in the range, inclusive.
 * @return A random integer between min and max.
public static int nextInt(int min, int max){
	return min + Randomizer.nextInt(max - min + 1);

 * Return a random double between 0 and 1.
 * @return A random double between 0 and 1.
public static double nextDouble(){
	return Randomizer.getInstance().nextDouble();

 * Return a random double between min and max.
 * @param min The minimum double value in the range.
 * @param max The maximum double value in the rang.
 * @return A random double between min and max.
public static double nextDouble(double min, double max){
	return min + (max - min) * Randomizer.nextDouble();


public class Ship { public int length; public int direction; public int row; public int col; public static final int UNSET = -1; public static final int HORIZONTAL = 0; public static final int VERTICAL = 1; // Constructor. Create a ship and set the length. public Ship(int length) { this.row = UNSET; this.col = UNSET; this.length = length; this.direction = UNSET; }

// Has the location been initialized
public boolean isLocationSet()
    return !(this.row == UNSET)&&(this.col == UNSET);

// Has the direction been initialized
public boolean isDirectionSet()
    return direction != UNSET;

// Set the location of the ship 
public void setLocation(int row, int col)
    this.row = row;
    this.col = col;

// Set the direction of the ship
public void setDirection(int direction)
    this.direction = direction;

// Getter for the row value
public int getRow()
    return row;

// Getter for the column value
public int getCol()
    return col;

// Getter for the length of the ship
public int getLength()
    return length;

// Getter for the direction
public int getDirection()
    return direction;

// Helper method to get a string value from the direction
private String directionToString()
    String exa = "";
    if(direction == VERTICAL)
        exa = "vertical";
    else if(direction == HORIZONTAL)
        exa = "horizontal";
        exa = "unset direction";
    return exa;

// Helper method to get a (row, col) string value from the location
private String locationToString()
    String ini = "";
    if(row != UNSET)
        ini = "(" + row + ", " + col + ")";
        ini = "(unset location)";
    return ini;

// toString value for this Ship
public String toString()
    return directionToString() + " ship of length " + length + " at "locationToString();


public class Location { public boolean exist; public int status; public static final int UNGUESSED = 0; public static final int HIT = 1; public static final int MISSED = 2; // Location constructor. public Location() { this.exist = exist; this.status = status; } // Was this Location a hit? public boolean checkHit() { return status == HIT; } // Was this location a miss? public boolean checkMiss() { return status == MISSED; } // Was this location unguessed? public boolean isUnguessed() { return status == UNGUESSED; } // Mark this location a hit. public void markHit() { this.status = HIT; } // Mark this location a miss. public void markMiss() { this.status = MISSED; } // Return whether or not this location has a ship. public boolean hasShip() { return exist; } // Set the value of whether this location has a ship. public void setShip(boolean exist) { this.exist = exist; } // Set the status of this Location. public void setStatus(int status) { this.status = status; } // Get the status of this Location. public int getStatus() { return status; } }

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5 条回复
2019-01-26 08:39:51 +08:00
你上传 github 发个链接不就完事儿了
2019-01-26 08:58:01 +08:00
2019-01-26 15:21:35 +08:00
2019-01-28 12:11:42 +08:00
@Fanechka 去那里发什么链接啊?
2019-01-28 12:13:45 +08:00
@Yourshell 我没有基础

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