前言:本人( yjqiang )之前使用一两年 Working Copy 后感觉非常满意,和开发者也聊了很多,他耐心为我提供了很多帮助,于是想回报一下。刚好看到推特上作者在头疼国区的推广问题,就毛遂自荐地联系了作者,作者同意委托我代为在 V2EX 上进行推广。同时我和 Grape 作者是不错的朋友,就做了一下中间人,征得双方作者同意后,一起在 V2EX 以 Working Copy 为主,同时加上 Grape 一起进行推广。以下为以 Working Copy 开发者提供的原文件为基础,大家共同修订后的推广内容(每个英文段落后面紧接着附有中文翻译)。
Working Copy is a full features Git client for iPhone and iPad. Clone, edit, commit and push while allowing other apps access to repositories.
Working Copy 是一款运行在 iPhone 和 iPad 上的功能完备的 Git 客户端应用。Working Copy 支持应用内克隆、编辑、提交和推送等操作,同时也能方便快捷地与其他应用协作,共同处理仓库文件或者进行其他交互。
Your Git projects are available on-device and can be edited inside the app or with apps such as Textastic, Pythonista and iA Writer. It has support for all core Git operations. Create new branches, merge or rebase changes and cherry-pick commits.
你可以本地本应用内进行浏览、编辑 Git 项目,同时也可以在其他应用内( Textastic、Pythonista、iA Writer 等)进行浏览编辑(通过 iOS 的 Files api 进行交互)。Working Copy 可以本地无需联网地运行 Git 全部核心功能,例如创建分支、合并或变基、择优挑选等等。
Everything happens on-device and has been rethought for a touch screen with a commit graph where you can pinch to zoom out for a high-level overview or zoom in for specifics about each commit. And in the conflict resolve tool you swipe to pick the parts of a file you want to keep making it faster and easier than on any platform.
Working Copy 针对触摸屏,从细节上地打磨了这些 Git 功能:Working Copy 针对提交图的缩放做了优化,你可以缩小以查看总体状况,或者放大查看每个提交的细节;在使用 Git 冲突解决工具时,受益于触摸屏,你可以比其他平台上更方便直观而又快捷地去选择。
The app supports Git LFS for repositories with video or other huge files.
Working Copy 专门为拥有视频或其他超大文件的仓库进行优化,特别地支持了 Git LFS ( Large File Storage )。
Working Copy does not support issues or pull requests but works well with apps such as Grape for GitHub that handles this beatifully.
Working Copy 不是一个 GitHub 客户端,并不支持 Issue 操作或者 PR (但是直接提交等是支持的)。但是 Working Copy 可以通过与其他 GitHub 第三方应用交互,例如 Grape 或者 Githawk 等,来完成 GitHub 的相关功能。
When looking at repositories in Working Copy you tap "Open in Grape" to be shown additional information such as issues and releases inside Grape. Viewing repositories in Grape you can choose "Clone through Working Copy" to clone the project to your iPhone and iPad.
例如,在 Working Copy 内选择 “ Show in Grape ” 以使用 Grape 打开当前仓库,浏览更多信息。同样在 Grape 这里,也可以使用 “ Clone through Working Copy ” 来克隆当前仓库到本地。
Some developer tools such as make and xcodebuild are missing from iOS. But you can configure a remote server inside the app, such that you run terminal commands on your files making it work as if the server is working directly on your repository files by uploading before and downloading after running the command.
一些开发工具是不存在于 iOS 上的,因此也就无法在 iOS 本地直接运行 make 和用 xcodebuild 编译应用等。但是你可以使用 Working Copy 内提供的 ssh 工具与远程服务器交互,先上传文件至服务器,服务器端执行命令后,再自动下载到 Working Copy 内。
The app is a free download but requires a in-app purchase to unlock all pro features. There is a free one-time unlock for 10 days to let you try before you buy. Working Copy 免费下载,但是需要内购以解锁全部功能。当然 Working Copy 提供免费试用功能,你也可以选择先免费试用全部功能 10 天后,再做决定。
Grant your iPad and iPhone new developer powers.
Working Copy,让 iPad 和 iPhone 成为真正的生产力工具。
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V2EX is a community of developers, designers and creative people.