有谁遇到这个问题: Google Cloud Networking Incident #19005

2019-03-07 21:01:30 +08:00

Google Cloud Status Dashboard:

Google Cloud Networking issue with Cloud Routers in us-east4

Incident began at 2019-03-06 23:37 (all times are US/Pacific).


“ We are experiencing an issue with Google Cloud Networking beginning at Wednesday, 2019-03-06 21:15 US/Pacific. Current investigation indicates that approximately 100% of Cloud Router in us-east4 region are affected by this issue. Users will experience BGP sessions down on all of their Cloud Router enabled VPN tunnels and Cloud Interconnect VLAN Attachments in us-east4 region. Further us-east4 subnets might be not redistributed to other regions as part of VPC Global routing mode, thus making this region unreachable over Interconnect. As a workaround customers can setup a Cloud VPN without Cloud Router betwen us-east4 and their on-premise network. Cloud Console might be timing out for getting Cloud Router related status information, please use gcloud instead. Other regions are not affected. The engineering team is investigating the issue and we will provide another status update by Thursday, 2019-03-07 05:30 US/Pacific with current details.”


#GCP 上 s2r 不能用了。

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3 条回复
2019-03-07 21:07:08 +08:00
开 support 这种坏了你也没办法
2019-03-07 21:18:58 +08:00
@cdlixucd 不懂,部署的时候都是按教程来的,别的没动过。
2019-03-07 21:31:49 +08:00

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