Love4Taylor @
Removable 你们给读写权限了吧?文档里说了,兼容模式( target 在 android Q 以下的,也就是说所有 app 都应该在这个范围内。)下,给了储存权限和以前没区别啊。
The system places your app's file access privileges into compatibility mode when each of the following conditions is true:
Your app targets Android 9 (API level 28) or lower.
Your app is installed on a device that upgrades from Android 9 to Android Q.
When your app is in compatibility mode, the following file access behavior applies:
Your app can access all files stored within the MediaStore collections, even files that your app hasn't created.
The user-facing Storage permission allows or denies your app access to external storage as a whole, rather than individual shared collections like Photos & Videos or Music.