[分享文章] 社会地位即服务, Status as a Service (二): 社交网络的投资回报率 (ROI)

2019-03-15 14:09:14 +08:00
原文作者 Eugene Wei,是 Amazon 战略部门的首位分析师,后来还担任过 Flipboard、Hulu 和 Oculus 的产品负责人。

原文: https://www.eugenewei.com/blog/2019/2/19/status-as-a-service

译文: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/59247983


里面有几句话我翻译得比较吃力。比如,没学过高数,不明白 “梯度” 在这里是什么意思? hhhhh

The gradient of your network's social capital ROI can often govern your market share among different demographics.



By rolling out, first to Ivy League schools, then to colleges in general, Facebook scaled while maintaining a narrow age dispersion and exclusivity based around educational credentials.

Layer that on top of the broader social status game of stalking attractive members of the other sex that animates much of college life and Facebook was a service that tapped into reserves of some of the most heated social capital competitions in the world.

随着逐步推广,首先是瞄准了常春藤盟校,然后是全美所有大学,Facebook 在扩张的同时,保持了用户年龄层的分散幅度较为狭窄,且具有基于学历的排他性。

更为广泛,更能调动大学生积极性的地位游戏是 —— “视奸” (stalk) 其他有吸引力的异性同学。加上前面这两点,Facebook 这个服务,成功利用了世界上最激烈的社会资本竞争。


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2 条回复
2019-03-16 09:46:49 +08:00
2019-03-16 12:29:35 +08:00
@Ediacaran 见过,但还是不理解为什么作者要用这个词。😂

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