
2019-03-16 15:11:28 +08:00
在 Chrome 里看英文网页( )用了一下翻译,居然能给我翻译反......

就是这段话(有谷歌翻译的可以 copy 过去看看):
How Private Is Your Browsing History?
The expectation when you visit a site over HTTPS is that no one listening on the line between you and where your connection terminates can see what you're doing. And to some extent, that's true. If you visit your bank's website, HTTPS is effective at keeping the contents sent to or from the site (for example, your username and password or the balance of your bank account) from being leaked to your ISP or anyone else monitoring your network connection.
3935 次点击
所在节点    Google
2 条回复
2019-03-16 17:26:35 +08:00
HTTPS is effective at keeping the contents from being leaked to your ISP or anyone else.
2019-03-16 17:27:48 +08:00

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