求 V 友帮忙看看指点一下 谢谢! 目的是想用 fail2ban 屏蔽来探测的 ip log 如下 :
Aug 15 08:59:07 <hostname> ss-server[1382]: 2018-08-15 08:59:07 ERROR: failed to handshake with <HOST>: authentication error
正规表达式如下: failregex = ^\w+\s+\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+\s+%(__prefix_line)sERROR:\s+failed to handshake with <HOST>: authentication error$
我测试却没法匹配, 不知道问题出在哪?
fail2ban-regex '2019-03-21 02:50:41 ERROR: failed to handshake with authentication error' '^\w+\s+\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+\s+%(__prefix_line)sERROR:\s+failed to handshake with <HOST>: authentication error$'
Running tests =============
Use failregex line : ^\w+\s+\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+\s+%(__prefix_line)sERROR:\s... Use single line : 2019-03-21 02:50:41 ERROR: failed to handshake wit...
Results =======
Failregex: 0 total
Ignoreregex: 0 total
Date template hits: |- [# of hits] date format | [1] Year(?P<_sep>[-/.])Month(?P=_sep)Day 24hour:Minute:Second(?:,Microseconds)? `-