新装好的 win10,马上安装 xshell,ssh 到 linux 主机一切正常,但是过段时间以后,就会出现局域网的主机可以正常登陆,外网的主机死活不行。
xshell 登陆直接显示:
Connecting to
Connection established.
To escape to local shell, press Ctrl+Alt+].
Connection closing...Socket close.
Connection closed by foreign host.
但是使用 putty 或者 win10 openssh client 登陆没有任何问题。
到 Linux 主机下面看看日志,显示:
ssh_dispatch_run_fatal: Connection from
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx port 14346: incomplete message [preauth]
尝试 Termius 登陆,问题依旧,但 Linux 主机下日志显示:
ssh_dispatch_run_fatal: Connection from
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx port 14346: String is too large [preauth]
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