[ PHP ][Berlin][wayfair.com] hiring Software Engineer!

2019-04-15 22:13:14 +08:00

Hi folks,

days ago I wrote a post about wayfair.com Berlin hiring engineers, to avoid 996icu working culture, you have another choice, this is the original post: https://www.v2ex.com/t/552516#reply160

Here is my promised update. Let me say a few things about my company first.

Wayfair is one of the fastest growing companies on the planet with $7 bln in annual sales and 45% year over year growth. We believe that everyone deserves to live in a home they love, and we are committed to becoming the world ’ s #1 destination for everything in your home. We are based in Boston, and Berlin is our 2nd HQ where our engineering teams are working with product managers, data scientists and marketing professionals on exciting topics, such as order management, warehousing, transportation, and payments.

Wayfair is a highly data-driven company, where I work in an open and collaborative environment to solve complex issues. I work in agile and my manager supports me with professional development. All work is in English, so it ’ s important that you speak and write well.

We have several open positions for senior software developers, who could support our teams. Our main tech stack is PHP, but we also work with JS, Python and .NET. If you are interested, ​you can apply directly on this link ​.

As a first step, you will need to complete a technical challenge online. If successful, it will be followed by a short call with one of the recruiters to discuss your experiences and career interests. If this goes well too, there will be a 60-minute technical test and additional discussions, of all which will be explained to you in detail by the recruiters.

If you get an offer, Wayfair will help with the visa process, too.

Hope this is helpful and you can apply directly on the above link.

3615 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
23 条回复
2019-04-16 00:00:37 +08:00
2019-04-16 05:33:48 +08:00
2019-04-16 08:44:21 +08:00
senior 薪资填多少合适 欧元没经验
2019-04-16 09:49:41 +08:00
@lujiajing1126 欢迎来柏林工作生活呀!
2019-04-16 09:52:15 +08:00
@zjq123 按我原来那个帖子里面有人回复说 60k/y 比较平均价,这个薪水在柏林还是不错的,柏林物价低
2019-04-16 12:45:03 +08:00
准备一下简历和 cover letter。你好,想问一下 @mikewolf,我看介绍是愿意使用 PHP 也可以,但也涉及如 Python 等语言。那么在线测评会涉及到 PHP 相关的运用吗?
2019-04-16 13:05:55 +08:00
2019-04-16 13:38:36 +08:00
@Philippa 你的意思是希望在线测试是 Python 的是吗?我可以跟出题人沟通一下,问一下是不是也准备一套 Python
2019-04-16 14:03:51 +08:00
@mikewolf 还能如此?,如果有 Python 就太好了。不行我先学两周的 PHP
2019-04-16 14:29:11 +08:00
@Philippa 在问了,而且你看 Job Description 里面的一句“ Several years of object-oriented web development experience - ideally using PHP or the desire to learn PHP “
2019-04-16 14:41:40 +08:00
谢谢,我就是看到了那一句支持转语言。无论如何,我都准备一下。 @mikewolf
2019-04-16 15:22:16 +08:00
@Philippa got the answer, and yes, you could do the coding test in python, because there are two algorithms question possible be solved in any language, and one SQL query test and another code review in PHP.

Before the code review in PHP, try to solve the algorithms problem and SQL, both are scored and will use to see if you will get the invitation for next round or not.
2019-04-16 15:27:41 +08:00
2019-04-16 16:26:42 +08:00
@mikewolf Sounds great, thanks
2019-04-17 00:54:33 +08:00
I want to add my resume with LinkedIn and the button has no response.
2019-04-17 01:05:27 +08:00
@goodspb yes, you are right, I just tested it, it does not work via Linkedin, I will talk to the HR Department, in the meantime could you please use another way to submit your CV? for example upload your CV file?
Sorry for your inconvenience.
2019-04-17 22:17:49 +08:00
第二道算法题没做好 因为题目描述不好 影响到最后得分拉 只有 70
我也没查 google
2019-04-17 22:41:23 +08:00
@zjq123 I don't know, 70 is good enough or not. It is great, you tried and challenged your self. I hope you will be in the next round.
2019-04-17 22:48:13 +08:00
I hope more and more PHPer who does not like 996 working culture and want to live in Berlin which is a great city I love could try. You can also send me your CV via email: (enpoYW5nMUB3YXlmYWlyLmNvbQ==) [base64 encode]. I will do the internal reference for you.
2019-04-18 08:47:16 +08:00
@mikewolf 如果顺利入职了 将来有可能把妻子孩子带到德国吗?

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