前前后后 收到 10 多封了,邮件内容:
The page build completed successfully, but returned the following warning for the master
It looks like you're using GitHub Pages to distribute binary files. We strongly suggest that you use releases to ship projects on GitHub. Releases are GitHub's way of packaging and providing software to your users. You can think of it as a replacement to using downloads to provide software. We found the following file(s) which may be a good candidate for releases: .assets/android_test/app-debug-190228.apk. For more information, see https://help.github.com/en/articles/about-releases.
For information on troubleshooting Jekyll see:
If you have any questions you can contact us by replying to this email.
这个文件是项目里面的一个测试功能,不是项目的主要功能。这个 apk 主要是方便免去编译过程就能进行测试,如果放到 Releases 里面,我是不愿意的,因为这个压根跟主功能不相干;如果不用.apk 后缀,比如用压缩文件,就失去了我生成这个文件的意义了。
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