Steve Jobs: MobileMe to 'Get A Lot Better' Next Year

2010-12-08 12:14:36 +08:00
有人,不满意 MobileMe ,给乔帮主写了封信……于是,帮主回信了。。。

Q: I love my iPad and iPhone4 and am a huge fan of yours and all that Apple does. I desperately want to stay inside of Apple'e ecosystem as much as possible.

However, MobileMe is making it very difficult for me to do so. Unreliable/unpredictable syncing, creating duplicate entries (sometimes scores of them), etc. It's almost unusable.

And I know from forums (including Apple's own support boards) that I am not the only one experiencing these very real and frustrating problems.

Please tell me it will get better, and soon?

A: Yes, it will get a lot better in 2011.

Sent from my iPhone

16951 次点击
所在节点    MobileMe
2 条回复
2010-12-08 16:36:46 +08:00
jobs v5
2010-12-08 16:39:11 +08:00
-_, 那个iDisk再稳定点就好了

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