刚敲完这个贴子,Linode 客服就回复我的ticket了(神速啊)。回复如下。我还没试。等修好了再上来告诉大家情况。
Thanks for contacting us! Your Linode appears to be running normally. Your Linode is pinging and respoding with 0% packet loss. I was able to make a netcat connection to your webserver on port 80.
It appears that your Linode is currently running httpd, pptp, and mysqld. The SSH daemon/server is not running. You will need to log in to your Linode via the LISH console and start the SSH daemon. Once logged into via Lish, run the following command "sudo service ssh start" to start SSHD.
For more information on the LISH console, please refer to the following article: