一大早睡醒发现 QQ 和微信都自己退出了

2019-05-22 09:05:34 +08:00
maojy1989  maojy1989
macOS10.14 的系统,早上睡醒看了下电脑,因为夜里没用自动锁屏了,输入完密码想看看微信和 QQ 有没有消息,结果发现右上角的图标都不见了,也没有提示意外退出,重新点开应用就是正常的登录界面,不知道夜里到底发生了什么。

第一反应是难道电脑夜里重启了? 看了下重启记录发现并没有重启,看日志也不知道到底该看哪,急着上班就搜了一下 QQ 的

在 system.log 里搜了一下 QQ,最后几条是这样的

May 22 02:17:59 happy QQ[1785]: objc[1785]: Class MQCocoaRuntimeInfo is implemented in both /Applications/QQ.app/Contents/Frameworks/Hummer.framework/Versions/A/Hummer (0x10fd4c5a0) and /Applications/QQ.app/Contents/Frameworks/OnlineFileTransfer.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Common.framework/Versions/A/Common (0x11072d220). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

May 22 02:17:59 happy QQ[1785]: objc[1785]: Class MQCocoaRuntimeInfo is implemented in both /Applications/QQ.app/Contents/Frameworks/Hummer.framework/Versions/A/Hummer (0x10fd4c5a0) and /Applications/QQ.app/Contents/MacOS/QQ (0x10f652150). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

May 22 02:17:59 happy QQ[1785]: objc[1785]: Class GCDAsyncSocketPreBuffer is implemented in both /Applications/QQ.app/Contents/Frameworks/FTMiniNN.framework/Versions/A/FTMiniNN (0x10fa12850) and /Applications/QQ.app/Contents/MacOS/QQ (0x10f65cf38). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

May 22 02:17:59 happy QQ[1785]: objc[1785]: Class GCDAsyncReadPacket is implemented in both /Applications/QQ.app/Contents/Frameworks/FTMiniNN.framework/Versions/A/FTMiniNN (0x10fa128a0) and /Applications/QQ.app/Contents/MacOS/QQ (0x10f65cf88). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

May 22 02:17:59 happy QQ[1785]: objc[1785]: Class GCDAsyncWritePacket is implemented in both /Applications/QQ.app/Contents/Frameworks/FTMiniNN.framework/Versions/A/FTMiniNN (0x10fa128f0) and /Applications/QQ.app/Contents/MacOS/QQ (0x10f65cfd8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

May 22 02:17:59 happy QQ[1785]: objc[1785]: Class GCDAsyncSpecialPacket is implemented in both /Applications/QQ.app/Contents/Frameworks/FTMiniNN.framework/Versions/A/FTMiniNN (0x10fa12940) and /Applications/QQ.app/Contents/MacOS/QQ (0x10f65d028). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

May 22 02:17:59 happy QQ[1785]: objc[1785]: Class GCDAsyncSocket is implemented in both /Applications/QQ.app/Contents/Frameworks/FTMiniNN.framework/Versions/A/FTMiniNN (0x10fa12990) and /Applications/QQ.app/Contents/MacOS/QQ (0x10f65d078). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

May 22 02:17:59 happy QQ[1785]: objc[1785]: Class CADisplayLink is implemented in both /System/Library/Frameworks/QuartzCore.framework/Versions/A/QuartzCore (0x7fff943b0840) and /Applications/QQ.app/Contents/MacOS/QQ (0x10f665e58). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

May 22 02:17:59 happy QQ[1785]: objc[1785]: Class AVButton is implemented in both /System/Library/Frameworks/AVKit.framework/Versions/A/AVKit (0x7fff92334c00) and /Applications/QQ.app/Contents/MacOS/QQ (0x10f666fd8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

May 22 02:17:59 happy QQ[1785]: objc[1785]: Class AsyncReadPacket is implemented in both /Applications/QQ.app/Contents/Frameworks/FTMiniNN.framework/Versions/A/FTMiniNN (0x10fa125d0) and /Applications/QQ.app/Contents/MacOS/QQ (0x10f667fc8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

May 22 02:17:59 happy QQ[1785]: objc[1785]: Class AsyncWritePacket is implemented in both /Applications/QQ.app/Contents/Frameworks/FTMiniNN.framework/Versions/A/FTMiniNN (0x10fa12620) and /Applications/QQ.app/Contents/MacOS/QQ (0x10f668018). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

May 22 02:17:59 happy QQ[1785]: objc[1785]: Class AsyncSpecialPacket is implemented in both /Applications/QQ.app/Contents/Frameworks/FTMiniNN.framework/Versions/A/FTMiniNN (0x10fa12670) and /Applications/QQ.app/Contents/MacOS/QQ (0x10f668068). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

May 22 02:17:59 happy QQ[1785]: objc[1785]: Class AsyncSocket is implemented in both /Applications/QQ.app/Contents/Frameworks/FTMiniNN.framework/Versions/A/FTMiniNN (0x10fa126c0) and /Applications/QQ.app/Contents/MacOS/QQ (0x10f6680b8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
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4 条回复
2019-05-22 09:28:38 +08:00
公司电脑登陆账号全被锁了,现在 it 在解决。
2019-05-22 12:20:38 +08:00
会不会 qq 有问题,今天登陆邮箱都要加图片验证,还不让用账户密码登陆,必须使用手机客户端扫码登录,而且 qq 客户端登陆总要二次验证
2019-05-22 16:36:32 +08:00
2019-05-22 18:16:08 +08:00
今早,pc 端微信开发工具也要重新登,明明昨天才登过(一般来说一个多星期才需要重新登录一次);
安卓手机上的微信和 qq 没问题

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