2019-07-14 03:41:29 +08:00
step#2 apps
hyperkey + c = toggle(show/hide) chrome
hyperkey + i = toggle iTerm2
hyperkey + f = toggle Finder
hyperkey + 1 = toggle 1password
step#3 movement
hyperkey + j = arrow down
hyperkey + k = arrow up
step#4 window management
hyperkey + 7 = move current window to prev monitor
hyperkey + 8= move current window to next monitor
hyperkey + u = move current win to upper half of screen
hyperkey + d = move current win to bottom half
hyperkey + [ = move to left half
hyperkey + ] = move to right half
hyperkey + m = maximize current win
hyperkey + h = hide current win
step#5 terminal(tmux)
cmd + n = new tmux window
cmd + t = split vertical panel
cmd + w = close tmux window
step#6 editor(neovim)
,ev = new vertical window
,es = new horizontal window
step#1 by karabiner
step#2~4 by hammerspoon