
2019-07-15 14:51:58 +08:00
foxni  foxni
套路云的国际版刚刚搞了个 Start package 2.0,用来搞掉之前的 1.0,200M 没了,通用包没了,现在又通知说快照功能也要商用,这下是彻底没法拿来建站了~~撒出去的网,现在开始要收了,肥壮的韭菜们也该收割了,唉~
Dear Customers,

We believe that the snapshot has been a vital method to back up and recover your service data during the open beta program. Therefore, Alibaba Cloud snapshot will be commercially available across all regions and provide professional data recovery and restoration service as of July 18, 2019. For more information about the offered price list, please visit the page.

If you no longer need to use snapshots, delete your snapshots in all regions and disable the Automatic Snapshot feature before July 18, 2019, so as to avoid unnecessary costs. Otherwise, you will be billed on a per-hour basis based on the Pay-As-You-Go method of your existing snapshots thereafter.

Thanks for your support!
Alibaba Cloud
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2019-07-15 16:25:10 +08:00

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