
2019-07-15 17:49:47 +08:00
Anniehao  Anniehao

NPU Software Operator Engineer Description

In this role you will contribute to the distributed framework required to train/inference AI applications based on high performance NPU in the cloud environment. We need our engineers to be versatile, display innovation qualities and be enthusiastic to tackle new problems across the full-stack as we continue to push technology forward.

Responsibilities: ●Neural network operator design and development with C/C++/Assembly. ●Operator verification on simulation/emulation platform and real hardware. ●Operator performance benchmarking. ●Operator performance profiling and optimization.

Minimum Qualifications: ●CS/EE MS 3+ years relate work experience. ●Strong coding skills in C/C++ and Python. ●Having solid math foundation. ●Experienced in DSP/x86/GPU code performance optimization. ●Familiar with popular framework like Tensorflow, Caffe, Mxnet. ●Familiar with dev/build utility (like git, CMake, Bazel etc.) and shell script(like bash). ●Good communication skill and technical leadership.

Preferred Qualifications: ●Familiar with popular CNN, RNN models like Resnet50, Googlenet, VGG16. ●Experience in using HW emulation platform, including Palladium, Zebu, or FPGA. ●Experience in instruction pipeline optimization. ●Experience in DMA performance optimization. ●Experience in CUDA C programing and performance tuning.

有兴趣请联系 Annie,电话 /微信:15021177007

1357 次点击
所在节点   酷工作  酷工作
2 条回复
2019-07-15 18:37:09 +08:00
hw ?没价格就想要简历么
2019-07-17 16:10:22 +08:00

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