最近在某用户量百万的网站的 cookie 过期了,要重新登录,密码通过后被告知需要验证邮箱才能登录,然后发现自己收不到任何一封验证邮件。
检查了 spam, filter, blacklist 确认自己没有 BAN 过对方,尝试了一万遍无果以后只能联系客服,于是得到了惊天的回复:
I am seeing that you or your email provider may have at one point marked our emails as spam and because of this your email was placed on the no-send list. Not to worry though, I've since gone ahead and removed you from this list so you should be all set and receive our emails moving forward.
惊了,什么时候轮到网站来 BAN 用户邮箱了?“因为你 BAN 了我所以我也要把你 BAN 了”?这是什么骚操作我怎么从来没见过?这破站还想不想做生意了?这 no-send list 有什么意义吗?发邮件被 REJECT 难道会死机吗?
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V2EX is a community of developers, designers and creative people.