个性化推送如何兼顾隐私与便利,也许 Firefox + Pocket 的模式可行

2019-07-22 08:17:31 +08:00
dawn009  dawn009


  • If the “ Recommended by Pocket ” feature is enabled, Pocket will send a list of the best stories on the web to Firefox every day.
  • With each story, Pocket also sends a list of related websites that, when visited, signal likely interest in the story.
  • Your Firefox browser compares your browsing history with the list of related websites to sort and filter through each day ’ s stories and recommend the ones that are most likely to interest you.
  • Important Note: Neither Mozilla nor Pocket receives a copy of your browser history. The entire process of sorting and filtering which stories you should see happens locally in your copy of Firefox.
3630 次点击
所在节点   Firefox  Firefox
1 条回复
2019-07-22 21:10:13 +08:00

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