自己用 Django 做了个小站,在 Debian 上面部署 Django:2.2 Python:3.5
部署完以后想用 supervisor 来管理 Django (通过 Gunicorn ),celery 和 redis 单独管理 Django 的时候,一切问题没有。
然后在 supervisor 的配置文件里面加入了 celery 和 redis 的管理 program,如下方的配置。 但是运行 supervisorctl start all 之后,网站就再也跑步起来了,而且最奇怪的是,原因是 MYSQL 无法连接本地服务器 报警为: (2003, "Can't connect to MySQL server on '' ([Errno 111] Connection refused)")
百思不得其解,网上搜了几天了,没解决,请问大侠们有没有能帮忙的。。谢谢 PS:目前已经测试过:supervisor 中去掉 redis 的 program 去掉,留下 gunicorn 和 celery 的,也不行。
[program:celery] directory = /home/allen/NBAsite/NBAsite command = /home/allen/NBAsite/env/bin/celery -A NBAsite worker -B -l info autostart = true startsecs = 5 autorestart = true startretries = 3 user = allen redirect_stderr = true stdout_logfile_maxbytes = 20MB stdout_logfile_backups = 20 stdout_logfile = /home/allen/NBAsite/celery_log/allenbigbear_celery.log
[program:redis] directory = /usr/bin command = /usr/bin/redis-server autostart = true startsecs = 5 autorestart = true startretries = 3 user = root redirect_stderr = true stdout_logfile_maxbytes = 20MB stdout_logfile_backups = 20 stdout_logfile = /home/allen/NBAsite/redis_log/allenbigbear_redis.log
[program:NBAsite] directory = /home/allen/NBAsite/NBAsite command = /home/allen/NBAsite/env/bin/gunicorn NBAsite.wsgi:application -b autostart = true startsecs = 5 autorestart = true startretries = 3 user = allen redirect_stderr = true stdout_logfile_maxbytes = 20MB stdout_logfile_backups = 20 stdout_logfile = /home/allen/NBAsite/supervisor_log/allenbigbear.log
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