go 泛型出炉,看起来还是不错的

2019-07-27 22:34:15 +08:00



While this document is long and detailed, the actual design reduces to a few major points.

Functions and types can have type parameters, which are defined using optional contracts.
Contracts describe the methods required and the builtin types permitted for a type argument.
Contracts describe the methods and operations permitted for a type parameter.
Type inference will often permit omitting type arguments when calling functions with type parameters.

This design is completely backward compatible, in that any valid Go 1 program will still be valid if this design is adopted (assuming contract is treated as a pseudo-keyword that is only meaningful at top level).

We believe that this design addresses people's needs for generic programming in Go, without making the language any more complex than necessary.

We can't truly know the impact on the language without years of experience with this design. That said, here are some speculations.

11858 次点击
所在节点    Go 编程语言
66 条回复
2019-07-29 14:18:08 +08:00
简单即是复杂,parser 复杂不复杂和你们有多少关系??
2019-07-29 22:41:06 +08:00
@araraloren 怎么没关系?编译时间变长,开发体验就下降了。原本 O(n) 跑完 parse 部分,现在可能要 O(n ^ 3),能忍?!
前段时间 cloudflare 被一个正则匹配搞挂一大片,你不要以为 parser / recognizer 真的是什么“自动化流水线模块”,文法不好处理,parser 分分钟榨干你的 CPU !
C++之前有近十年的时间,是不能连写 >> 的,一定要加个空格写成 > >。好处理的话,从一开始就不会出现这种问题。何况,() 和 <>,真的能分出谁方便谁不方便?
2019-07-31 02:50:41 +08:00
go team 感觉截止到目前为止,感觉设计方案上没啥大坑,毕竟老头子们见得多了
2019-07-31 09:53:04 +08:00
@lxml 老头子们基本都退了,现在是年轻人操盘。Rob Pike 是相当抵触 type alias 的。
2019-08-02 10:01:33 +08:00
@liulaomo Robert Griesmer 是老头子,Ian Lance Taylor 也是老头子,年轻人做 runtime,老头子设计语言
2019-08-02 23:34:53 +08:00
@reus Robert Griesmer 和 Ian Lance Taylor 俩人应该都没到 60,还算中年吧。;)
不过现在貌似 Russ Cox 的话语权最大。

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