为什么 Coursera 可以在 iPad 版本里面,显示 项目已被锁定。。。提示说要购买

2019-08-04 11:46:34 +08:00

11.13 Apps that link to external mechanisms for purchases or subscriptions to be used in the App, such as a “ buy ” button that goes to a web site to purchase a digital book, will be rejected

从应用内跳转至外部方式进行购买或订阅的应用将会被拒,比如“ buy ”按钮跳转至一个购买电子书的 web 页面

11.14 Apps can read or play approved content (specifically magazines, newspapers, books, audio, music, video and cloud storage) that is subscribed to or purchased outside of the App, as long as there is no button or external link in the App to purchase the approved content. Apple will only receive a portion of revenues for content purchased inside the App


不是说 苹果的 都必须接入 iap 吗? 是因为,他没有跳转链接吗?所以即使显示了,需要购买,依旧可以通过?

3037 次点击
所在节点    iOS
3 条回复
2019-08-04 12:24:32 +08:00
Kindle 也是类似于这样吧,需要在其他平台购买
2019-08-04 12:58:31 +08:00
如果给链接了就违反 iap 原则了
2019-08-04 13:50:44 +08:00
@zhaidoudou123 就是说, 不提供跳转链接,但是显示需要购买,是允许的。。。这样不会触发诱导吗?

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