关于 Shopee
25k-50k /深圳 / 3-5 年 / 本科及以上 / 全职
期望层级:leader/高级 /中级、
关于我们:Base 深圳 /基本不出差(有出差新加坡的机会,根据项目和培训需求定)/不要求英语
团队简介: Shopee 优势
1.同事背景:211/985 硕士居多,BAT 人员居多,技术狂热分子造就了浓厚的技术氛围
2.总部优势和支持:新加坡总部 Sea(原名 Garena)2009 年成立,2015 年已在纽交所上市,腾讯控股,已在东南亚 /台湾耕耘 10 年多,对东南亚 /台湾市场掌控精准,Shopee 是 Sea 大力投入的主营业务
3.业务处于上升期:深圳研发中心规模不断扩大,已租下科技园 10 层楼的 office
4.外企薪酬福利优厚,5 天 8 小时,周末双休
后端开发工程师 Job Description:
1.Handle server side design & development of the products;
2.Be familiar with agile development, write high-quality, clean, simple, and maintainable code, build common libraries;
3.Analyse requirements, design and develop functionality, according to product demands;
4.Acquire an in-depth understanding of products, constantly optimise the products, diagnose and fix problems, improve stability and user experience;
5.Design and implement various supporting tools as required;
6.Collaborate with other software engineers, product managers, user experience designers, and operation engineers to build new products
7.This opening is also available in our Vietnam office. Candidates who are interested in applying for the position in Vietnam office, kindly indicate it in your resumes.
Job Requirements:
1.Bachelor's degree or higher in Computer Science or related field;
2.Excellent working attitude, problem-solving, critical thinking and communication skills;
3.Passionate about programming, innovation, and solving challenging problems;
4.Comprehensive knowledge in all areas of computer science (data structures and algorithms, operating systems, networks, security, databases, etc.);
5.Familiar with Java /C++ / Go / Python, hands-on experience is preferred;
6.Familiar with common network protocols (TCP, UDP, HTTP), and network programming;
7.Familiar with Linux / Windows development environments, and multithreaded programming;
8.Familiar with web technologies is preferred;
9.Experience in design and development of large-scale distributed systems is preferred
公司大牛多,5 天 8 小时,上班弹性制,带薪休假 15 天,健身补贴,下午茶丰富。
公司官网: http://shopee.cn/
对开发工具 框架 能力要求高
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