
2013-01-29 20:04:34 +08:00
ooof  ooof

About Hongkiat.Com

Hongkiat.com has its roots in Malaysia, is run in Malaysia and will continue to flourish in Malaysia (we just love the food here, can you blame us?). Hongkiat.com may have begun from humble beginnings, but it has since developed into a site with considerably international presence and influence. We are already receiving a steady flow of 6.5 million pageviews per month, and the numbers are not showing any signs of slowing down.

Today’s hongkiat.com features tutorials or articles on Photoshop, HTML/CSS, WordPress, Design tools, Photography, Wallpapers, Freebies and more. Some of the contents you find here have been featured or referenced to by sites such as Huffpost, Lifehacker, Gizmodo, TheNextWeb and more.
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